CNSP2024: Giovedì 8 Febbraio

Sessione 19: Pianeti e Sistemi Planetari I

Chair: M. Maris

09:00–09:12L.Mancini The diversity of Neptune-sized Exoplanets
09:12–09:24 R.Claudi Global architecture of planetary systems (GAPS): searching for and characterizing exoplanets with TNG
09:24–09:36E.Bisesi Are planets with large Earth-similarity index really habitable?
09:36–09:48 F.Marzari 3D simulations of circumstellar disks in binaries: dust evolution and mass accretion
09:48–10:00L.Biasotti Potential climates on GL514 b: a super-Earth exoplanet with high eccentricity.
10:00–10:12 D.Fedele Search for thermal emission of protoplanets with VLT/ERIS – initial results

10:12-10:30 Discussione

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break + Sessione poster

Sessione 20: Pianeti e Sistemi Planetari II

Chair: L. Biasiotti

11:00-11:12M.MarisRefraction in transiting habitable exoplanets
11:12-11:26 V.Roccatagliata The impact of planets and flybys on the evolution of solar system analogs, the debris disk systems

11:24-11:30 Discussione

Sessione 21: Pianeti e Sistemi Planetari – Focus/ Studio dei corpi del Sistema Solare con tecniche esoplanetarie

Chair: M. Rainer

11:30–11:42 L. Cabona Commissioning and first scientific results of LOCNES: a specialized small telescope designed for the investigation of the Sun-as-astar spectra in the Near Infrared.
11:42–11:54M. RainerMars as a terrestrial exoplanet: insight from atmospheric CO2 measurements

11:54 – 12:00 Discussione

Sessione 22: Meteore, Meteoriti e Polvere interplanetaria / Focus Impattiti ed effetti di shock in materiale extraterrestre

Chair: A. Barbaro

12:00-12:12 G. Giuli Tektites and microtektites iron oxidation state and water content
12:12-12:24 L. Folco Target–projectile interaction in large-scale impacts on earth: clues form the australasian microtektites
12:24-12:36 O. Christ δ13C values of the largest extraterrestrial microdiamond found in Ureilite NWA6871 — implications on its origin.

12:36-12:45 Discussione

12:45-14:15 Pranzo

Sessione 23: Meteore, Meteoriti e Polvere interplanetaria / Focus Polveri nel Sistema Solare

Chair: G. Massa

14:15-14:27E. Nardi A new piezoeletric crystal microbalance device as a dust electrostatic collector (DEC) in the moon environment
14:27-14:39 G. Franzese Primary dust lifting and electrification in the makgadikgadi salt pans as martian analogue
14:39-14:51 G. Rinaldi The dust and gas analysis at 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko sheds light on cometary activity.

14:51-15:00 Discussione

Sessione 24: Meteore, Meteoriti e Polvere interplanetaria I

Chair: O. Christ

15:00-15:12 G. PoggialiFrom micro- to meter-scale: new laboratory investigations on grain size and mineral mixing in support of space mission remote sensing interpretation
15:12-15:24 D. Barghini The recovery of the Matera meteorite thanks to the observation of the 2023 Valentine’s day bolide by the PRISMA fireball network.
15:24-15:36 M. Ferrari Multi-analytical investigations of two Ryugu particles

15:36–15:45 Discussione

15:45-16:15 Coffee Break + Sessione poster

Sessione 25: Meteore, Meteoriti e Polvere interplanetaria II

Chair: M. Ferrari

16:15–16:27 G. Massa A new spectral parameter to detect Olivines and Pyroxenes: application to ordinary chondrites.
16:27-16:39 M. Vovk Characterizing physical properties of meteoroids using machine learning: a case study using high-resolution observations by the canadian automated meteor observatory

16:39-16:45 Discussione

Sessione 26: Planetologia sperimentale e di laboratorio II

Chair: F. Ferri

16:45-16:57E. La FrancescaNear Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry of Ammonium Salts at controlled P-T conditions
16:57-17:09 TurchettiThe radar signal propagation through the icy crust of Jovian moons
17:09-17:21 E. Simioni The new a-central model for the geometrical calibration of daedalus lunar eyes for lava tube exploration.

17:21–17:30 Discussione

Sessione 27: Sviluppo di Strumentazione I

Chair: A. Longobardo

17:30-17:42D. Perna The ANIME cubesat for near-earth asteroids exploration
17:42-17:54 G. LiuzziEstablishing a common ground for radiative transfer in earth and planetary atmospheres: recent efforts
17:54-18:06G. Sindoni Italian potential contribution to NASA Uranus flagship and new frontiers 5 missions

18:06-18:15 Discussione