CNSP2024: Mercoledì 7 Febbraio

09:00 – 10:00 Sessione ASi: Il sistema solare nello spazio

09:00 – 09:15Il GdL Sistema Solare: verso una Roadmap per il contributo ASI alle Scienze PlanetarieA. Olivieri
09:15 – 09:30Il GdL Sistema Solare: verso una Roadmap per il contributo ASI alle Scienze PlanetarieR. Mugnolo
09:30 – 10:00 Discussione

Sessione 16: Piccoli Corpi/ Risultati della missione DART/LICIACube I
Chair: P. Hasselmann

10:00-10:12 Jasinghege Don P.D.Reconstruction of the 3D ejecta structure of the DART impact on Dimorphos
10:12-10:24 A.RossiLong term dynamics around the Didymos-Dimorphos binary asteroid of boulders ejected by the DART impact
10:24-10:36A.LucchettiFracturing by thermal fatigue on Dimorphos

10:36-10:45 Discussione

10:45-11:15 Coffee Break + Sessione poster

Sessione 17: Piccoli Corpi/ Risultati della missione DART/LICIACube II

Chair: Jasinghege Don P.D.

11:15-11:27M.Pajola The Didymos and Dimorphos global boulder sizefrequency distributions: implications on their mutual origin
11:27-11:39 P.H.HasselmannThe Unusual Brightness Phase Curve of Didymos
11:39-11:51S.Ivanovski Dust clumps dynamics of the Dimorphos ejecta plume

11:51-12:00 Discussione

Sessione 18: Piccoli Corpi

Chair: D. Perna

12:00-12:12 A.Campo BagatinComparing Didymos and Dinkinesh asteroid binary systems: collisional history and orbital evolution
12:12-12:24M.LavagnaGranular surface artifact contact modeling in support of small bodies landing operations design
12:24-12:36 E.Rognini Thermal analysis of the Comet 67P/CG
12:36-12:48E.Mazzotta EpifaniThe EU H2020 programme NEOROCKS
12:48-13:00F. CarrozzoMineralogical mapping of Ceres as revealed by the 1 μm absorption

13:00-13:15 Discussione

13:15-20:00 Pomeriggio Libero

20:00 Cena sociale presso l’hotel Baita dei Pini